Archive for October, 2009
- 30.10.09 World Bank Approves US $24 Million in Additional Financing for Moldova’s Competitiveness Enhancement Project
- 29.10.09 The World Bank will work with Government on a 2-year climate change and agriculture program
- 29.10.09 IMF Announces Staff-Level Agreement with Moldova for Extended Credit Facility/Stand-by Arrangement of About US$ 600 Million
- 27.10.09 Moldova To Freeze Public-Sector Wages
- 15.10.09 EBRD: Moldova to grow 1.5 per cent in 2010
- 08.10.09 Erik Berglof: Moldova is in a very difficult situation and is very much deserving support from the international institutions
- 08.10.09 EU May Grant $150 Million To Crisis-Hit Moldova