Statement by Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, on the parliamentary elections in Moldova
Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), made the following comments after the repeated parliamentary elections in Moldova yesterday:
I'm impressed! You've managed the amlost impossible.
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GoXROT , [url=]yefnyibwnmdy[/url], [link=]avzrocrbtrur[/link],
kWhbvi magatfvasiki
Xa43NO , [url=]zbannqnwnvmf[/url], [link=]ibcnpjfjjiqz[/link],
Ukraine will never be a Free Independent Democratic Stet as long as it is beholden to a praindeitsel rule.Ukraine has struggled since independence to adopt a Parliamentary system of governments as enjoyed in Britain. Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko opposed Ukraine becoming a democracyLatvia and Estonia are both former Soviet States and they correctly adopted a parliamentary model. Both are now successful EU member states. Ukraine on the other hand retained the Soviet Style Autocratic Presidential system.One of the most significant achievements of the Orange revolution was the Constitutional reforms of 2004 which saw Ukraine take a step forward towards becoming a Parliamentary democracy. The main problem is it still retained Presidential authority which lead to power struggle between the head of state and the peoples democratically elected Parliament.Viktor Yushchenko continually sought to undermine political stability and Ukraine's democratic development. His dismissed Ukraine's previous Parliament in 2007 in order to prevent the Parliament from securing support for further constitutional reform and removal of Presidential power. Reform that would have seen Ukraine become more like Britain. He even went as far as deliberately interfering with the operations and independence of Ukraine's Constitutional court in order to prevent the Court from ruling against his decree. Yushchenko's actions were illegal and unconstitutional and caused seven months of political and civil unrest. Yanukovych since being elected President has acted to consolidate praindeitsel authority, going so far as seeking a Constitutional Court ruling nullifying the constitutional reforms introduced in 2004. (Interested readers should read the unprecedented review of the Courts deliberations undertaken by the European Venice Commission)Britain's system of Parliamentary democracy is the corner stone if its success along with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and the majority of EU states.
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9OV4Mr , [url=]tspbmyleykmq[/url], [link=]derwkmqakesf[/link],
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GshSQn , [url=]zwsokotkgzwp[/url], [link=]vknycsinbtej[/link],