Declaration of the PACE delegation: low turnout of the Constitutional Referendum in Moldova
A delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has observed the constitutional referendum in Moldova on 5 September. This delegation was the only European parliamentary organisation to observe this referendum.
The option to leave the union uiqnue in any federation, and introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, which was a (somewhat limited) attempt at oiling the European machine, while making it more democratic.I don't really agree with the entire democratic deficit talk, regardless if the Americans (whom, when it comes to politics, I do not set as an example) think that is the case. The democratic deficit is just as much a political deficit the refusal, inability or simple unwillingness of politicians to present decisions in a European light, rather than a national one. I agree that the Greek referendum might be an eye opener, but I wander whose eyes will be opened. Surely most Greeks by now realize that austerity is the only option if they want any prospects at all for future growth, and they're right in demanding that simply making governments cuts is not enough we cannot (as Europeans) expect the Greek people to cut their economy in half, without any prospect of growth in the decade to come.Yet this is popular politics , in the sense that everyone is now involved and the EU is finally where it wanted to be for the last forty or so years: In the hearts and minds of people, even if annoyance or outright skepticism are the emotions rather than EU recognition and identification. I don't know if the Greek people will vote in favour of this new plan, which is better than anything they've had so far (as it at least decreased their future burden), but which will still be seen in light of all that went wrong in the past 18 months. Though democracy is the only form of government I would want to live under, popular sentiment is not its best adviser.The rest of the EU will again be presented with the fact that we're all in this together. But what if the Greek people say no'? That would hardly bolster any form of pan-European identification, nor would it I think be a welcome outcome for Greek citizens. In a latter by Barroso and Van Rompuy yesterday (Tuesday), two things stood out for me. First they stressed the upcoming referendum: We take note of the intention of the Greek authorities to hold a referendum. Immediately followed by: We are convinced that this agreement is the best for Greece. We fully trust that Greece will honour the commitments undertaken in relation to the euro area and the international community. ..Which feels to me as another way of putting we're gonna drag you on board anyway'! Of course we'd have to, as our economies are so intimately tied, but the referendum can only succeed in one way: When Greece embraces this rescue package. Only then will the government have legitimacy in face of the opposition, and only then do we avoid more delay and more political bullying.
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