Moldovan communists remain without wanted Parliament majority even after vote recounting
The results of the repeated vote recounting in the Republic of Moldova bring no major modification to the percentage obtained by the communist left with 60 mandates, one below the needed number to have the wanted majority, the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) announced.
Βρήκα μια μάλλον προτεινόμενη οδηγία . Στο εξηγεί:What distinguishes “linear” and “non-linear” auasivioudl services?Non-linear services are defined as “any auasivioudl media service where the user decides upon the moment in time when a specific programme is transmitted on the basis of a choice of content selected by the media service provider”. The distinction between TV broadcast or linear services (“push content”), on one hand and non-linear or on-demand services (“pull content”), on the other, depends on who decides when a specific programme is transmitted and whether schedules exist. The Commission believes that this distinction is sustainable over time and will accommodate further technological developments such as personal video recorders. The differing degrees of regulation of content “pushed” by suppliers or “pulled” by users reflects differences in user choice and control and in the likely impact on society.
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