tag: Ferrero-Waldner
03.07.2009The European Commission allocates €40 mio to multi-country projects in Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus
The assistance package of €40mio will fund several programmes in different areas such as the strengthening of culture policies and civil society, support of SME networks, border management, air quality governance and disaster preparedness. All the projects to be financed with this programme will have a regional scope as they each will each benefit at least two of the seven partner states along the Eastern border of the EU (Russia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia). »
12.12.2008Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner on withdrawal of broadcasting license of Pro TV television channel in Republic of Moldova
Statement by Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy on the decision of the Moldovan Broadcasting Coordination Council to refuse the prolongation of the broadcasting license of the Pro TV (Chisinau) television channel: »
12.12.2008Benita Ferrero-Waldner: The Eastern Partnership: lasting political solidarity with real benefits for citizens
"We are proposing much deeper political engagement. We want to give far more active support for democratic and economic reform. To ensure your country has the necessary administrative capacity to take full advantage of what the EU is offering, we want to develop a tailor-made Comprehensive Institution Building programme to strengthen resources where needed". »