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Moldova: EU approves €5 million in support of police sector reform

Moldova: EU approves €5 million in support of police sector reform

The European Commission has approved the disbursement of €5 million in budget support assistance to help the delivery of reforms in the police sector in the Republic of Moldova.

The disbursement follows progress made in key reform areas in the law enforcement sector, including positive developments in safeguarding human rights, preventing abuse and ill-treatment, and in the fight against corruption in the police sector. These developments contribute to transforming the Moldovan police in a more service-oriented institution.

Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement commented: “The European Union stands by the Moldovan citizens. We are supporting the reforms with direct benefits for them, including in law enforcement. Our decision is also a sign of our solidarity with Moldova during the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. Despite the challenging times, the reform efforts need to continue. For as long as there is progress on reforms, Moldova can count on the support of the European Union.”

This new payment comes in the wake of the second instalment of the now expired Macro-Financial Assistance programme in July (€30 million), and the recently disbursed first instalment of the emergency Macro-Financial Assistance programme in November (€50 million).

The disbursement of any future macro-financial assistance will be subject to strict conditionality. The European Commission and the European External Action Service will continue to closely monitor the political situation and assess the fulfilment of the conditions ahead of any future budget support payment. It is important that, in addition to further progress with reforms, there is no backsliding in the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law in Moldova.

Support to Police Reform in the Republic of Moldova: This EU programme has supported the Moldovan police force in further modernising and professionalising its structures. The transparency and independence of recruitment, evaluation, and promotion procedures have been improved, and progress was marked when it comes to gender equality. Moldovan police have improved their capacity through training in human rights, modern management techniques, community policing, and anticorruption, and a dedicated Anti-Corruption Directorate has been established within the police in order to promote the principle of zero tolerance to corruption in the police force. The programme has also supported more reliable and effective communications structures, which have contributed to the operational capacity of the police, and brought down intervention times in certain inspectorates.


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