Archive for July, 2009
- 31.07.09 Communists Defeated in Moldova Election
- 30.07.09 Statement by Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, on the parliamentary elections in Moldova
- 30.07.09 What the Romanian European parliamentarians noted in Moldova: Calm and high presence to the polls, but the impossibility of voting in parts of Transnistria
- 30.07.09 Moldova's opposition eases ahead
- 30.07.09 Political Shift in Moldova
- 26.07.09 Moldova, at east-west crossroads, heads for polls
- 17.07.09 Romanian President Says Moldova Protests Reminiscent Of 1989
- 15.07.09 6 Ukrainians die on Moldovan chopper in Afghanistan
- 15.07.09 Sexual scandal at Romania's Consulate in Chisinau. Consul Ion Nuica resigns
- 14.07.09 Remittance Flows to Developing Countries to Decline By 7.3% in 2009, Predicts World Bank
- 10.07.09 Council of Europe Secretary General responds to allegations by Moldovan State Television
- 09.07.09 Sweden's good intentions must avoid raw nerve in Moscow
- 03.07.09 The European Commission allocates €40 mio to multi-country projects in Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus