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What the Romanian European parliamentarians noted in Moldova: Calm and high presence to the polls, but the impossibility of voting in parts of Transnistria

The European Parliament observers' mission for the Moldavian elections included Marian Jean Marinescu, Cristian Preda (PPE) and Renate Weber, who went to different parts of the republic of Moldova. They told what they found: calm and peaceful in most o the voting sections and an unexpected high presence to the polls - in Chisinau and surroundings, Orhei. They also noted the blocking of a voting section in Corjova, Transnistria.

Marian Jean Marinescu was in Chisinau, Moldavia's capital. He noted that the atmosphere was calm. There were things to be corrected everywhere,  
but they were "not unusual". The voters' lists were the ones raising issues: they other feature persons that do not live in the region, or they have not been updated. There were also insufficient voting bulletins. "But I'm not surprised", he said. By noon, he note that one third of the people had already voted. "It looks calm here, no propaganda", he added.

Liberal Renate Weber started her day in the region of Chisinau, went on to Odorhei and visited the polls in the country side as well. She noted that the voting sections seemed to be "well organised". She was impressed to see people queuing up to vote from 7 AM.

She also observed that the Romanian from Transnistria and Rabnita came to vote in Rezina, despite the fact that the journey is not easy. They voted on additional lists. Weber was also impressed with the fact that Moldavian political parties sent observers to all polling sections.   

Cristian Preda visited Dubasari and learnt that a polling section in Corjova had been blocked to stop the voting. But on the right side of Nistru river, things carried on without incidents. As far as he could see, people were coming to vote in larger numbers than in April. He saw long queues at the polls, which reminded him of Romania in the beginning of the 1990s.

Preda also remarked problems with the voters' lists, where people and addresses did not match and their names were discovered by people coming to vote. He also went to the polling section in Corjova. He saw 60-70 cazaci people blocking the voting process. The crowed displayed Russian, Transnistrian and Soviet Moldavia flags. Their spokesman, Alexandr Petrovici, introduced himself as deputy in the Regional Assembly. Some of them pretending to be journalists are, in fact, intelligence officers who told the observers people here did not want to vote.

"This is a territory that we control, there is no Modova. people here can vote for Russia, for Ukraine, but not for Chisinau", Preda was told by the crowd in Corjova. He and other observers accompanying him had to walk to the station and pass barriers of cazaci. The Romanian speakers told them they would not go to vote out of fear. So he went towards Coceni, to see if the people in Corjova were allowed to vote there. He noted it was a difficult ride, because of the filters and militia, resembling the type of police Romania had during communism.

The PE observers' mission is part of a bigger OSCE mission. The results of the observers will be made public for the press in Chisinau, probably on Thursday at noon.


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