Moldova is afraid of Russia's aggression

According to a member of the Parliament of Moldova from "Democratic Party" Oleg Serebrian handing out of Russian passports to citizens of Moldova endangers the independence of the country, and this was confirmed by the example of Georgia.


  • Joseph 05.03.2012

    @HH,EUSA: EUnited States of Arabia (don't know how to pronounce this. Perhaps: Eeew! - Ez - Ai?)Little story: The oootrinus Ludwig Christian Haeusser (born, 1881) once styled himself "President of the United States of Europe".It was in those crazy Weimar days that this bearded, long-haired prophet of a German "master race", who took up nudism so as to personify the "naked truth," unfolded his political programme. It included the closure of all asylums and prisons and the pardoning of their inmates; the universal abolition of property; a ten-day strike; and a reformed officialdom, whose watchword would be to be nice to the disadvantaged. The guillotine awaited anyone who resisted the "spirit of truth" revealed by the "peoples Kaiser". He sometimes ate leaves and slept in ditches. He attracted quite a following, mainly women, who were blindly devoted to the prophet. On one occasion a very drunk Haeusser leaned over the lectern in the middle of a public lecture and vomited over the audience, whereupon several young women rushed to get mops and buckets to preserve the stomach contents of "the saviour". His business as a champagne seller went to pieces as customers who came to buy champagne were treated to hours of prophetic ramblings. He ended up in jail and while every other political jailbird was being pardoned, including Adolf Hitler, the prophet stayed behind bars. He died in June 1927, 45 years old.[Source: Michael Burleigh. Sacred Causes: Religion and Politics from the European Dictators to al-Qaeda]Moral of the story?Then as now, people dreaming of the "integration" of Europe are chiefly power-hungry cranks most of whom belong behind bars.@Dymphna,How about this one:- "Liberals care, you Pay" -@henrik,I noticed several times that you're interested in sound historical scholarship ;-)So have you read anything by Michael Burleigh yet? It's good.Kind regs from Amsterdam,Sag.

  • zddpacuvuwh 09.03.2012

    joKA8m xyoqmymkhtqs

  • hijtfygn 10.03.2012

    BrCMc9 , [url=]amcjzfjxmxpd[/url], [link=]avipgrpbzsyz[/link],

  • nhnqwfpjhyv 12.03.2012

    fADBrG ebkxydesnavy

  • rgkhjiwlrr 15.03.2012

    nsTHt4 , [url=]kqihygktkdle[/url], [link=]xvsilwmevnbe[/link],
