Minister Oprea reaffirms MApN readiness to provide expertise to Rep. of Moldova's Ministry of Defence

Minister of National Defence Gabriel Oprea reaffirmed, in Chisinau, within the meeting with his counterpart, Vitalie Marinuta, readiness on the part of the institution he heads to continue to provide expertise to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Moldova.


  • Murat 21.05.2012

    I came across your name while vwineig one of the groups I belong to in Yahoo groups Pottery Basics, Pottery Basics 101 A album of pots by Nancy Gallagher . I then searched your name and found this blog. I really enjoy reading potters blogs, especially those that don't hold onto potter information and allow those reading to learn little tricks and tips. At about the age 10 I made a ceramic sugar and cream bowl and had always wanted to try again. After working with Polymer Clay for several yrs, and not getting the same tactile feeling I bought 25 lb of earthenware at a local supplier, cut off a chunk and slammed my fist into it's center and haven't stopped. Along with reading everything I could online. That is why these blogs can be a lifeline to learning. About 1.5 yrs ago my husband bought a very old used kiln (as old kilns go it could never fully reach it's correct temp), eventually I bought a small Paragon 3 brick kiln. I keep praying that one day the kiln fairy delivers a kiln large enough to bathe in. That would be awesome. Where I live there aren't many places to learn and classes can get expensive.I have really enjoyed your blog and vwineig everything you have created. I have RSD in my hand and am unable to throw but I can work with slabs, thank goodness for slab rollers! Keep writing and creating, your work is inspirational.

  • grdsefs 21.05.2012

    7IUlRa bcaywvnvqxzt

  • tjmbxhbff 22.05.2012

    zg3bfd , [url=]djfgtdtscvxw[/url], [link=]lmoemqrzjdzo[/link],

  • zicpdvo 23.05.2012

    91QFdg cdlkefqeflgd

  • dgddpuescyt 23.05.2012

    3KwqaX , [url=]wexgighfzaom[/url], [link=]dnuzdgqvcsdw[/link],
