EBRD and EU increase support for small businesses in Moldova
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a €15 million loan to ProCredit Bank to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Moldova. The new financing, supported by European Union (EU) funds, will help companies to become more competitive and seize new export opportunities. »
Moldova: EU approves €5 million in support of police sector reform
The European Commission has approved the disbursement of €5 million in budget support assistance to help the delivery of reforms in the police sector in the Republic of Moldova. »
COVID-19 and the recent drought have drastically worsened the outlook for Moldova with an economic contraction expected in 2020 of a magnitude not seen since the great global recession in 2009
This is stated in a new study "Prospects of the Moldovan Economy", which was presented by experts from the World Bank in Moldova. The pandemic has hit an already decelerating economy. Following a subdued growth in the second half last year, and exacerbated by the pandemic, the economic activity plummeted in the first three quarters of 2020, driven primarily by a reduction in households’ consumption and stocks. »
World Bank Moldova Public Statement
The World Bank is deeply concerned about the adoption by the Parliament of Moldova of a series of laws that would reverse the hard-earned progress made in recent years on pension adequacy and sustainability, the effectiveness of Moldova’s asset declaration regime in ending impunity for corruption violations, and the soundness of the financial sector. »
Implementation of the recent legal initiatives approved by the Moldovan Parliament would pose serious threats to Moldova’s macroeconomic and financial stability - the IMF
Rodgers Chawani, IMF Resident Representative in the Republic of Moldova, made the following statement: “Implementation of the recent legal initiatives approved by the Moldovan Parliament would pose serious threats to Moldova’s macroeconomic and financial stability, which is already under severe pressures from the COVID-19 pandemic. »
Raportul anual asupra administrării și întrebuințării resurselor financiare publice și a patrimoniului public: 8 cauze penale pornite
Comisia de control al finanțelor publice a audiat, în ședința de astăzi, Raportul anual al Curții de Conturi asupra administrării și întrebuințării resurselor financiare publice și a patrimoniului public pentru anul 2019. »
EBRD and National Bank of Moldova promote local currency lending
Moldovan companies can now benefit from loans denominated in the local currency, leu, provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and its partner financial institutions thanks to an agreement with the National Bank of Moldova. »
Ion Chicu: În prezent, autoritățile sunt la etapa finală de încheiere a unui nou program cu FMI
Prim-ministrul a discutat cu Angela Ganninger, Ambasadoarea Germaniei. Oficialii au făcut un schimb de opinii privind situația actuală socio-economică în Republica Moldova și evoluția proiectelor pe agenda comună. »
Firms in Moldova to Survive, Recover and Preserve Jobs After COVID-19 Crisis with World Bank Support
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a drastic decline in economic activity in Moldova, with firms and businesses facing serious financial constraints to continuing their activities, paying salaries, and meeting their tax obligations. »
COVID-19 Pandemic Unveils the Importance of Investing in Human Capital in Moldova says World Bank
The COVID-19 pandemic threatens hard-won gains in health and education over the past decade, especially in the developing countries, a new World Bank Group analysis finds. Investments in human capital—the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate over their lives—are key to unlocking a child’s potential and to improving economic growth in every country. »