tag: Eastern Partnership
23.02.2009European Union wants to boost profile in ex-Soviet republics
The European Commission wants the EU to provide more economic and other aid to Ukraine and four other former Soviet republics. EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner says the EU has "strategic" interests in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. »
12.12.2008Benita Ferrero-Waldner: The Eastern Partnership: lasting political solidarity with real benefits for citizens
"We are proposing much deeper political engagement. We want to give far more active support for democratic and economic reform. To ensure your country has the necessary administrative capacity to take full advantage of what the EU is offering, we want to develop a tailor-made Comprehensive Institution Building programme to strengthen resources where needed". »
03.12.2008The Eastern Partnership – an ambitious new chapter in the EU
The Commission's proposal for a new Eastern Partnership represents a step change in the EU's relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This ambitious Partnership foresees a substantial upgrading of the level of political engagement, including the prospect of a new generation of Association Agreements, far-reaching integration into the EU economy, easier travel to the EU for citizens providing that security requirements are met, enhanced energy security arrangements benefiting all concerned, and increased financial assistance. »