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European Union wants to boost profile in ex-Soviet republics

European Union wants to boost profile in ex-Soviet republics

The European Commission wants the EU to provide more economic and other aid to Ukraine and four other former Soviet republics.

EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner says the EU has "strategic" interests in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The EU foreign ministers debated an "eastern partnership" deal on Monday that aims to cut Russia's sway over ex-Soviet states.

The pact would offer free trade, economic aid and economic integration with the European Union. In turn, the eastern neighbors must step up progress toward democracy, the rule of law, sound economics and human rights.

The European Commission had budgeted -1.4 billion for this between now and 2013. It added -600 million more after the Russian-Georgian war last August and Russia's cutoff of natural gas to the EU in January. AP

Source: Kyiv Post

tags: Eastern Partnership | European Commission

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