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European resolution to protect Romanian language

European resolution to protect Romanian language

Romanian Euro-deputy Roberta Anastase (from the EPP-DP) sent to the Parliament of Europe a resolution project on the protection of the Romanian language against the background of promotion for multilingualism and cultural diversity, Rompres informs.In the document which the president of the Parliament of Europe is to analyze the author warns about the breaking of Romanian minorities' linguistic rights, demanding the EU to contribute by practical action to the respect for minorities' rights and also to the protection of European languages in general and of Romanian in particular. The author argues that in some parts of Europe Romanian is under ceaseless aggression.Roberta Anastase claims it is abnormal that in the 21st century people should pay a lot for asking for their right to speak their mother tongue. She mentions Transdniestria is a special case. She adds the Moldovan language is actually a dialect of Romanian, as everyone knows. She reminds that 2008 is the year of intercultural dialogue in the EU, which she takes for "our chance to show Romanians worldwide that to be part of the European Union means to have more friends on your side".According to the Romanian Euro-deputy, this is a matter to be approached in both the EU's domestic affairs and the relations with other states housing Romanian communities. By her project Roberta Anastase is overtly asking European institutions to analyze the present state of things with linguistic rights in Europe and promote protection for these rights in the EU's domestic and foreign affairs strategies.Protection for the Romanian languageThe document pleads that international standards in the field are not yet guaranteed in all member states. The author argues that the linguistic rights of the Romanian minorities are broken in several EU states, which jeopardizes the preservation of the Romanian language. The author opines both the Council of Europe and the European Commission should carefully look into the situation of the Romanian communities and the respect for their linguistic rights in Europe and take firm action to promote tolerance and multilingualism. The resolution is also an invitation for the European Commission and the Council of Europe to promote the protection of the Romanian language in the EU's domestic and foreign affairs strategies. (...)

Source: Ziua


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