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Ukraine says Gazprom Moldova unit taking transit gas

Ukrainian state-run energy firm, Naftogaz, said on Monday that the Moldovan unit of Russian gas giant Gazprom  had been siphoning off transit gas destined for South Europe.

"From Jan. 1, consumers in Moldova for some unexplained reason and without the agreement of Naftogaz started to consume gas... from a transit gas pipeline... which goes partly through the territory of Moldova," Naftogaz said.

"The joint actions of Gazprom and its daughter company, Moldovagaz, are destabilising the situation for supplying gas to the Balkans," it said.

Naftogaz said Balkan supplies had been cut by 10 million cubic metres a day because of the actions of Gazprom's unit. (Reporting by Pavel Polityuk, writing by Guy Faulconbridge, editing by )

Source: Reuters



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