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Moldova’s Presidency of the SEECEP

Moldova’s Presidency of the SEECEP

In an interview with New Europe,Andrei Stratan, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration for Moldova, explains the strides and lunges his country has taken to encompass modernisation and integrate further into the European sphere.

Considering Moldova's role as a Chairmanship-in-Office to a range of regional initiatives, arrangements and processes in Central and South Eastern Europe for 2008-2009, which are, in your view, the objectives already achieved and to be achieved in this regard?

-Almost one year ago, it was an extremely important moment for my country, when Moldova took over five regional chairmanships, the Central European Initiative Presidency, the Chairmanship to South Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN), Centre for Security Cooperation - RACVIAC, CEFTA, as well as Chairmanship-in-Office to the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP.) Thus, Moldova is increasingly progressing towards the accomplishment of one of the priority directions in its foreign policy - regional cooperation on both Central and South East European dimensions. By taking over and already fulfilling four of the regional Chairmanships, my country has undertaken both political and diplomatic activities, accomplishing the previously set priorities and objectives.

In the framework of the Moldovan CEI Presidency, although ambitious, the priorities and objectives were realised. The Moldovan Presidency worked hard on the successful accomplishment of the CEI Repositioning, on the development of the CEI - EU relations, consolidation of the cooperation between the CEI member states through a number of joint projects, as well as on the cooperation sector by organising several ministerial meetings. All of the efforts and activities held in the context of the Moldovan CEI Presidency offered to CEI countries the possibility to become more involved in regional processes and definitely contributed to the advancement of the non EU member states in the European integration processes.

For the future cooperation within CEI, we will concentrate on the enhancement of the regional cooperation which is directly related to the development of good relations among our countries, to an increasing number of joint projects, and to the EU integration of the aspiring countries. In this context, CEI has to have an important role in these processes, by fostering political dialogue and cooperation among member states, by promoting more coordination of the activities, more focused on offering assistance to the non EU member states and providing good expertise and exchange of good practices.

Furthermore, the Moldovan Chairmanship to the Centre for Security Cooperation - RACVIAC was marked by the institutionalisation process of this Initiative. Thus, my country was very much involved in contributing to the development of the new structure, setting up the priorities, competencies and future cooperation framework of the respective regional initiative. All of these efforts are directed towards the finalisation and signing of an Agreement proving the Centre RACVIAC with the internationally recognised legal status, ensuring and allowing RACVIAC to be fully operational and fulfill its objectives and goals.

During the CEFTA Presidency, Moldova focused its efforts on the establishment of the CEFTA Secretariat in Brussels, which will serve and act as a centralised structure in coordinating the activities and strengthening the cooperation among the CEFTA parties.

The Moldovan Presidency to the South Eastern Europe Health Network (SEEHN) was also marked by the institutionalisation process, by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the future of the South Eastern Europe Health Network in the framework of the South East European Cooperation Process 2008 and beyond, as well as of the two Declarations of Ministers of Health of the SEEHN. Regional cooperation in the SEEHN framework provides support in the European integration advancement process, contributing also to the active involvement of the donor's community into the sustainable development of Health Systems in South Eastern Europe and to the overcoming of the major difficulties in public health on the regional level, through the implementation of the Regional Projects in health area.

Regarding the Chairmanship-in-Office of Moldova to the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) I have to specify that this For a is one of the most important political and diplomatic mechanism in the regional cooperation process framework, given the SEECP role of the highest political forum in South Eastern Europe and acting as a "united voice" of the region. We are very proud to chair the SEECP, to represent the region in relations with EU and international actors, to contribute to the development of the RCC activities and by all this to increase our national capacities and authority. In mean time, I will confess, that in 2004 we where dreaming to have contacts or to cooperate with SEECP. Already in May 2006 the Republic of Moldova has gained the full-fledged membership to the SEECP, with the support of both the SEECP participating states and the European Commission, and it lasted only two years after my country took over the Chairmanship to this significant South East European regional arrangement.

Bearing in mind the main objective of the SEECP - advancement of the participating states towards the adherence to the EU, during 2008, the Moldovan SEECP Chairmanship organised a range of political and sectoral meetings and activities, which were expressed in the adoption by the SEECP Ministers of Interior of the Common Declaration regarding the strengthening of cooperation in combating cyber-crime, signing by the SEECP Ministers of Justice of a Memorandum on legal and judicial guarantees against unlawful processing of personal data, adoption of a Common Declaration by the SEECP Ministers of Health and a Joint Declaration of the Presidents of the SEECP Supreme Audit Institutions.

Furthermore, Moldova has established a series of priority objectives in the framework of the SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office: strengthening of the SEECP-EU dialogue and consolidation of the European perspectives of the South East European states; supporting and consolidating peace and economic development of the region, aimed at ensuring stability, security and prosperity in the South East European region; strengthening and promoting SEECP on the international level, in its capacity of the "united voice" of the region and as a reliable partner in accomplishing the objectives of the international community; efficiency consolidation of the regional processes and initiatives, in cooperation with the SEECP participating states, EU, RCC, as well as with the donor community and relevant international organizations; collaborating with the Regional Cooperation Council and regional processes, initiatives and structures, in order to strengthen the cooperation in the priority areas of the South Eastern Europe.

In line with the objective of integration of Moldova into the European Union which might be the role and the expected added value provided in this context by the Regional Cooperation Council?

The new architecture of the regional cooperation process in South Eastern Europe was shaped by the establishment and launching of the Regional Cooperation Council, as a new advanced regional cooperation mechanism, a key interlocutor with the EU and as a project generator. As a whole, regional cooperation acts as an additional instrument for the European integration processes, and contributes to the implementation both of the European standards, values and principles and the EU policies in the South East European region. Thus, the Regional Cooperation Council has undertaking the role of a mechanism for the countries of the region, which facilitates the accomplishment process of the ambitious objectives and priorities on the national level, aimed at aligning to the standards, values and principles on the EU dimension.

In this context, we expect the RCC to involve into the cooperation development on the sectoral areas in the framework of the five priority domains. These undertaken measures and activities should be in compliance with the national priorities and with the aim to support the countries into the European integration processes.

In this context, by perceiving the regional cooperation as an important and significantly beneficial process, generating a visible added value in the European integration processes, Moldova proved its readiness and political will to assume, share and apply the regional ownership and leadership principles in the South East European regional cooperation process, the active role of the Regional Cooperation Council being of an outmost importance in supporting the SEE countries in the implementation at the national level the EU requirements.

What are the commitments assumed by Moldova in the RCC framework? With the cease of the activity of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, February 27, 2008 marked the launching of the Regional Cooperation Council. The Joint Declaration on the Establishment of the RCC and the Statute of the RCC representing the basic documents of the RCC defining the tasks and priority areas of cooperation in its framework.

Furthermore, by signing the Agreement on the Host Country Arrangements for the RCC Secretariat, the SEECP countries, including the Republic of Moldova, have assumed political commitment in the South East European regional cooperation process in order to ensure the functionality of the RCC Secretariat, as well as the financial commitments to the RCC.

The Republic of Moldova is an active participant to the regional cooperation process in South Eastern Europe, being involved into a range of viable regional arrangements and initiatives, active in the priority domains of activity: Economic and Social Development, Infrastructure, Justice and Home Affairs, Security Cooperation and Building Human Capital. Moreover, in the capacity of the SEECP CiO, we are almost daily in contact with RCC Secretariat by supporting the RCC activities and projects, dedicated to the overall development of the SEE countries. In the framework of the SEECP Chairmanship, Moldova actively cooperates with the RCC towards the strengthening of its position both on regional and international levels. Furthermore, Moldova will jointly organise with the RCC a series of consultations with the European and international partners, promoting the position, capacities and possibilities of the region. Also, in cooperation with the RCC, we will organise a range of meetings, aimed at advancement of the countries of the region on the five priority areas.

How would you qualify, by means of participation to the regional cooperation process in the South Eastern Europe, the advancement of Moldova towards the strengthening of the dialogue and negotiation of a new cooperation framework with the European Union?

In 2001, when Moldova joined the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, it clearly defined the objective of being a full time participant and actor in the regional cooperation processes in SEE, directed towards ensuring the stability, security, economic and social development, as well as contributing to the prosperity of the people of the region.

Following this, Moldova has experienced a significant advancement in the regional cooperation framework, has been actively involved in regional initiatives and processes, thus gaining the status of a reliable partner towards the achievement of the regional objectives. Thus, as a priority objective of the foreign and domestic policy of the Moldova, the regional cooperation processes have contributed to the enhancement of the political dialogue with the SEE countries and with the European and international community. In meantime, all those activities and participations increased the capacities of national political and sectoral institutions, as well as contributed to the advancement in the EU integration process.

In conclusion, I think that the level of cooperation that we have today in the framework of both the SEECP and other regional initiatives and arrangements allows us to concentrate more on the benefits generated by the processes launched in the region, directed to the alignment to the European standards, values and principles. As a whole, the regional cooperation process development and active participation of my country in it have proved the adequate political will and strengthened the position of the Republic of Moldova as a reliable and trustworthy partner in the region, by being an active party to such important processes as SEECP, RCC, Energy Community Treaty, CEFTA, as well as to a range of initiatives.

Source: New Europe 


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