The Social Investment Fund II and Energy II projects in Moldova were named one of 13 winners Wednesday in the World Bank's "Improving the Lives of People in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) 2009 - A Celebration of Learning and Innovation" competition.
The Moldova Social Investment Fund II project was launched in August 2004. It aims to empower communities and vulnerable population groups to manage their priority development needs, through funding for community development activities, social care services and capacity building at the local level. The project has assisted over 250 localities in addressing local development needs. It has provided access to natural gas and funded major improvements in roads, schools, kindergartens, cultural centers and other social institutions across Moldova.
The Moldova Energy II project was launched in March 2004. The project aims to improve the security and reliability of the electricity transmission system and improve the availability, quality and efficiency of heating in selected buildings. To date over 35 schools, hospitals and kindergartens, in addition to 37 residential buildings have been a ble to renovate or install new heating systems. Over 8,000 students, approximately 1 million patients/staff/visitors and over 2000 families are benefiting from improved heating and hot water availability.
The two-day "Improving the Lives of People in ECA" learning event, February 18 - 19, with the participation of external participants, aims to share knowledge, experiences, and information among World Bank staff and its counterparts. The event will showcase the cutting-edge work the World Bank is doing in the Europe and Central Asia countries.
The 13 winning submissions fit into four strategic pillars: International Development Association (IDA) at Work, Making a Difference in Middle-Income Countries, Addressing Global Challenges, and Innovation through Knowledge and Learning.
The winners of this year's competition are:
IDA at Work:
• Armenia Poverty Reduction Support Credit Series
• Georgia Municipal Development and Decentralization Project II
• Moldova Energy II Project
• Moldova Social Investment Fund II Project
Making a Difference in Middle-Income Countries:
• Montenegro Education Reform Project
• Romania Rural Development Project
• Turkey Overall Energy Program
Addressing Global Challenges:
• Russian Federation Tuberculosis and AIDS Control Project
Innovation through Knowledge and Learning:
• Albania Programmatic Poverty Assessment
• Russian Federation Economic Reports (RER)
• Russian Federation Higher Education in Tatarstan Fee-Based Technical Assistance
• Russian Federation Preschool Education and Early Childhood Development in Khanty Mansiysk Fee-Based Technical Assistance
• Serbia Programmatic Poverty Assistance
The first annual celebration of results in the World Bank Europe and Central Asia Region took place in April 2008.