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United Nations puts Ukraine, Moldova, Russia on list of countries to face serious demographic losses

The lowest life expectancies among industrially developed countries are seen in Ukraine, Moldova, and Russia, according to data taken from the World Population Prospects in 2008 report prepared by the United Nations Population Division.

Russia, Moldova, and Ukraine are in a list of 45 countries that the report says will face serious demographic losses.

According to the report, the average life expectancy in the world has grown during the last few decades, but in the countries of Eastern Europe it has fallen from 69.6 years in the 1965-1970 period, to 69.2 years in 2005-2010.

"In spite of some improvement of the indicators after the late 1990s, currently Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine have the lowest indicators of life expectancy among all developed countries - lower than 70 years," the report reads.

Source: Kyiv Post


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