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Cristian Diaconescu: MAE urges Chisinau authorities to stop abuses against Romanians

Cristian Diaconescu: MAE urges Chisinau authorities to stop abuses against Romanians

Ministry of Foreign Affairs publicly urges the authorities in Chisinau to stop perpetuating the abuses against Romanian citizens, Chief of Romanian diplomacy Cristian Diaconescu announced in a press conference, on Sunday.

Chief of Romanian diplomacy stated that, following the incidents at the cross-border points between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, when more than 200 people were blocked to exert their free movement right, he had asked explanations through the usual diplomatic channels, but received 'no signal, no clarification'.

This type of incidents started a week ago, when two Iasi inhabitants Razvan Cazacu and Radu Popescu, visiting Chisinau, were abusively detained and expelled from the Republic of Moldova. The two were in Chisinau as political consultants of an opposition party, the Liberal Democrat Party from the Republic of Moldova (PLDM). They were detained Monday evening and expelled on Tuesday from the Republic of Moldova, despite the right to appeal the decision within ten days.

As well, two delegations of Iasi and Vaslui counties (Romania's east) were returned from Leuseni customs point, in the Republic of Moldova. Members of the delegation were representatives of Iasi and Vaslui county councils and of a research market and marketing firm. They were going to take part in the Quorum of region presidents in Moldova, where the development strategy of Siret - Prut - Nistru Euro-region had to be debated for the period 2009-2010. The event was organized in the Republic of Moldova and the Romanian authorities answered an invitation addressed by this country's officials.

Thursday as well, another delegation, from Alba Iulia (Romania's center), was barred from entering Republic of Moldova's territory.

On March 25, a Romanian citizen was barred from entering the neighboring state territory on the reason he had no invitation and another on the claim he had no HIV test/AIDS medical certificate. AGERPRES


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