"I am pleased that the elections for the fifth Parliament of the Republic of Moldova were conducted in a peaceful and orderly manner and in an overall pluralistic environment. I wish to congratulate the Moldovan people for their active participation in these elections, which confirms their commitment to democracy in their country.
Nevertheless, I have taken note of the Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions made by the OSCE-led International Election Observation Mission, which shows that further efforts need to be made, including at the legislative level, to ensure an electoral process free from undue administrative interference, to guarantee full respect for freedom of expression and access to information as well as to increase public confidence in the process. Therefore, I call on the newly elected parliament to work expeditiously on implementing the Mission's recommendation once they are finalised.
I look forward to the further development of EU-Moldova relations and the implementation of political and economic reforms including the strengthening of rule of law and fundamental freedoms that have been discussed in the course of our dialogue with the Moldovan authorities under the previous legislature."