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Moldova s Communist party fails to elect presidential candidate

Moldova s Communist party fails to elect presidential candidate

Moldova's Communist party has failed to have its presidential candidate elected after opposition parties boycotted a parliamentary vote. If the same happens at a second vote next week, new elections will have to be held.

Zinaida Greceanii, the Moldovan Communist Party's presidential candidate, who was one vote short of victory in a recent parliamentary election, failed to gain the one vote she needed to take office in Wednesday's vote.

The party was looking to keep Vladimir Voronin, current president and Greceanij's mentor, in a position of power. Voronin cannot seek a third term in office but has already secured the position of parliamentary speaker.

The outcome of the vote had been all but clear after the three main opposition parties said in advance that they would boycott the event.

A second parliamentary vote has been scheduled for next week. If that round of voting fails to produce a president, the chamber will be dissolved and a new election will be held.

Solving the separatist problem

Greceanij has vowed to uphold the sovereignty and neutral status of the former Soviet Republic if elected.

She also pledged to promote Moldova's integration with Europe, hinting at the need to solve the 18-year-old conflict with separatists in the Russian-speaking Transdniestria region.

Current President Voronin fell out with Moscow over the conflict, as he objected to Russian peacekeeping forces based in the region. Since then, however, Voronin restored closer ties with Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.

"Western" parties continue opposition

The three parties that boycotted Wednesday's vote - the Liberal Democrats, the Liberal Party, and Our Moldova - say the Communists rigged the parliamentary election in April, in which the Communists took 60 seats in the 101-member house.

Serafim Urechean, head of the Our Moldova party, said all three opposition groups, with a combined 41 seats in parliament, would remain united to defeat the Communists and to fight for closer ties to the EU. Deutsche Welle


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