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Ion Negrei: Pro-Romania message from Republic of Moldova takes country closer to EU

Vice Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Ion Negrei said at the beginning of the debate on ‘The Republic of Moldova between eternal neighborhood and European integration' at the Romanian Academy's Library, on Monday, that the pro-Romania message on behalf of the Republic of Moldova takes the country closer to the European Union (EU).

‘The policy against Romania, against the West and against Europe, conducted by the former ruling was anti-national for the country's citizens. I think that an anti-Romania policy was moving the Republic of Moldova away from the EU. Through changing the message that comes from Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova will get closer to the EU,' the Moldovan official stressed.

Negrei thinks that ‘on the body of a nation it was drawn the EU's boundary and this makes the situation between the two sides (Romania and the Republic of Moldova -editor's note) more complicated and causes problems to the Romanias living east of the Prut River' (in the Republic of Moldova - editor's note).

Negrei expressed hope that the organization of the debate at the Romanian Academy's Library mirrored the interest in the Basarabia issue as well as in the Romanian issue, the event having to ‘offer an answer to the question whether the Republic of Moldova continues to be the eternal neighbor of the civilized world or joins the European Union.'

The participants in the event, whose organizers were the European Institute of Romania, the Institute for Political Sciences and International Relations, with the support by the PanEurope Foundation and Romanian Academy's Library, were debating the options of accelerating the process of the Republic of Moldova's approach to the EU, as well as the basic restructuring of the state institutions within the transition from a quasi authoritarian ruling to a functional democracy.

Attending the debate were decision makers and experts of the public administration of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, business people, officials of the embassies in Bucharest of the EU member and partner states, along with the representatives of the academic environment, the civil society and the media of the two countries.

source: Financiarul



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