Moldova's mobile telecoms market has seen a 3.24% rise in revenues over the past nine months compared to a year ago, reports the local telecoms regulator. Sales were estimated at Leu 202.77 million (US$18.35 million).
The growth was mainly caused by the market evolution in second and third quarters of 2009, when the sales increased by 2.97% and 9.45% accordingly, over the corresponding timeframes of last year. The increase occurred after the sales decreased by 3.27% in the first quarter.
The sales of the four mobile telephony service providers followed different tendencies.
In 9 months of only Orange had sales increase by 11.3%, over the similar timeframe of 2008. The sales of Moldcell decreased by 10.9%, those of MoldTelecom by 24.3% and Eventis Mobile by 19.5%. In the third quarter though, two providers - Orange and Moldcell - increased their sales, over the same quarter of 2008, by 14.4% and 3.4% respectively. MoldTelecom reduced sales by 26.7%, whereas Eventis Mobile dropped by 48.6%.
As a result of these developments, the ARPU dropped by 9.3% to US$9.24. The highest ARPU - US$9.78 - was estimated by Orange Moldova, the lowest - US$5.35 - by Eventis Mobile.
As per October 1st, 2009, Orange had 1.79 million subscribers, Moldcell had 814,000, Moldtelecom; 986,000 and Eventis Mobile 134,000 subscribers.
source: cellular-news