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American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova launches the Roadmap for the Development of Moldova

American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova launches the Roadmap for the Development of Moldova

American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova launches the Roadmap for the Development of Moldova's Business and Economic Climate. The publication comprises a set of recommendations aimed to foster the improvement of Moldova's economic environment to the benefit of both -business community and civil society.  

The Roadmap for the Development of Moldova's Business and Economic Climate (hereinafter - „Roadmap") includes recommendations regarding the promotion of domestic and foreign investments, the establishment and promotion of strategic sectors of Moldovan economy, the development of human capital and the reform of the Labor Code, agricultural reform, the development of infrastructure within information and communications technology sector, as well as energy sector, trade reform, tax reform, and some measures to combat corruption.

"Our intention is not simply to present requests for what the Moldovan Government can do to improve conditions in the business sector, but rather to launch a dialogue between the Moldovan Government and AmCham Members to outline what can be done collectively in order to achieve the full benefit of Moldova's potential to grow and develop", has stated John Maxemchuk, the President of AmCham Moldova.

AmCham Moldova feels that the private sector is in a strong position to share the effort necessary to design the future directions for Moldova's development, and to take a collaborative role in the implementation of an economic development strategy, jointly elaborated by the country's Government and the business community. Moreover, the private sector has the potential to attract new investment to Moldova, to introduce progressive technologies and practices, to employ and train the labor force and to generate the economic and financial value-creation to spur Moldova's economy forward.

Among the AmCham's recommendations for the development of Moldova's business and economic climate there are: implementation of salary-based savings plans, improvement of the tools for financing small and medium enterprises, promotion of follow-on investment, establishment of a State Agency for investment recruitment, implementation of a Home Computing Initiative, modernization of the education curriculum, improvement of conditions for teachers and professors, accreditation of foreign education, implementation of programs for retention of qualified professionals, equal access to state infrastructure, promotion of energy efficiency, recognition of international certification, implementation of policies that will stimulate and reward successful exporters, improvement  of tax legislation, a National Initiative to combat corruption, consolidation of the judicial process, as well as other recommendations.

Thus, AmCham is willing to establish a collaborative relationship with the Government of Moldova, and is ready to share its efforts and experience in the process of reform, development and improvement of the business and living climate in the country, by creating a Working Group made up of public sector, private sector and civil society.

To consult the Roadmap for the Development of Moldova's Business and Economic Climate, please visit the AmCham Moldova's web-site:

About AmCham Moldova:

AmCham is a nongovernmental nonprofit association of private business in Moldova. As a member of the 112 AmChams worldwide, the mission of the AmCham is to promote American trade and investment in Moldova and to work with the Moldovan Government and business leaders to foster a favorable business climate for foreign trade and investment.

AmCham Moldova currently represents 64 members, composed of a diverse spectrum of businesses, from large investors to small goods and service providers that operate within Moldova, as well as Moldovan companies of all sizes that are pursuing trade with the United States.

AmCham Moldova actively promotes among its members the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility.

AmCham Moldova is a member of "Guillotine" Working Group for the regulation of business activity.

For more information, please visit the website:


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