The Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Andrius Kubilius, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Vlad Filat, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties",
Noting the genuine partnership and intensive development of friendly and mutually beneficial relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Moldova,
Emphasizing the fact that European values and principles, in particular democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights, respect of and support for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders, underpin bilateral relations,
Acknowledging the importance of strengthening the political dialogue and cooperation in the field of the European Integration between the Parties,
Highlighting the key significance of continued reforms and democratic development for the European Integration and being aware of Moldova's goal to achieve, as one of the European States, EU membership in the future,
Aiming to make full use of the European Union policies and cooperation instruments, inter alia the Eastern Partnership and others
Reiterating mutual aspirations to enhance comprehensive cooperation between the two countries at bilateral, regional, and European level,
Have agreed as follows:
1. The Parties underline the relevance of strengthening the bilateral relations in order to enhance the mutual cooperation in the field of European Integration. Lithuania is willing to support the Republic of Moldova in negotiations with the European Union on the Association Agreement, going beyond the current Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.
2. The Parties agree to establish a new institutional mechanism for enhanced political dialogue on the European Integration issues. The meetings of a Bilateral European Integration Commission will be headed on a rotation basis by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in respective capitals twice per year. Representatives from other institutions will be invited to those meetings.
3. In the framework of the European Union - Republic of Moldova relations, Lithuania is willing to share its European Integration experience with the Republic of Moldova and thus agrees:
- to provide a long-term assistance for the Republic of Moldova during its negotiations with the European Union on the Association Agreement;
- to assist in capacity and institution-building through organization of study visits to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania by the Moldovan diplomats and other civil servants dealing with the European Integration issues;
- to reinforce practical assistance while helping to strengthen the administrative and institutional capacities of the Republic of Moldova, in particular in the areas related to customs, agriculture and food safety;
- to encourage the Republic of Moldova to make maximum use of the Eastern Partnership Comprehensive Institution Building Program (CIBP), as well as European Union's Technical Assistance Information Exchange Unit (TAIEX) and Twinning instruments involving Lithuanian officials from the relevant institutions in the field of European Integration;
- to encourage the cooperation between the Inter-parliamentary delegations and local authorities of both countries through visits and common projects;
- to support the Republic of Moldova while embracing the Eastern Partnership initiative by jointly identifying thematic issues as well as elaborating the list of flagship projects that would be of direct help to the Republic of Moldova;
- to advance cooperation in order to improve the preparedness of Moldova for a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with the European Union which could form the integral part of the Association Agreement;
- to undertake efforts to further facilitate the European Union - Republic of Moldova visa regime aiming at visa-free travel regime for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova as a long term goal. Lithuania will strive for the launching of visa dialogue between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova as soon as possible in 2010;
- to exchange the visits of journalists in order to help the Republic of Moldova to launch a comprehensive public relations campaign about the European Integration process informing the public about the developments in negotiations with the European Union and the processes within the European Union itself.
4. The Parties agree to continue organizing joint events, such as consultations, seminars, round-tables, study visits, training courses in the field of European Integration.
5. The Parties agree to intensify bilateral cooperation in the field of trade and investment. For this aim, Parties will explore the possibility of organizing business missions in consultation with the relevant partners and organizations.
6. Parties will hold regular consultations in view of Lithuania's preparations for the chairmanship of the OSCE in 2011 and the presidency of the EU in 2013. Parties will prepare proposals to strengthen consultations and coordination between them in the above context.
Lithuania respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders. The Parties encourage all participants to make efforts to reconvene the 5+2 format emphasizing the viable and sustainable solution of Transnistrian conflict which can be reached only in the aforementioned format of negotiations. Lithuania supports confidence building between both Banks mediated by the OSCE and the EU, as well as other participants.
7. Nothing in this Joint Declaration shall prejudice other existing or future agreements concluded between the Parties. This Joint Declaration does not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties under any other international agreements.
Signed in Chisinau on 26 January 2010 in two original copies in English.
Andrius Kubilius Vlad Filat
Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova