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Peace Corps Signs New Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry

Peace Corps Signs New Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry

The Peace Corps in Moldova and the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry signed a new memorandum of understanding to extend Peace Corps support to the agriculture sector for another 5 years.

Speaking at the event, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova Asif J. Chaudhry thanked the Ministry for their ongoing partnership with Peace Corps and praised the work of the 153 Peace Corps Volunteers who have worked in the agricultural sector in Moldova from 1998 to 2009.  He noted that, through the Peace Corps, the U. S. Government provides one of its most precious resources, the energy and enthusiasm of the people of the United States.

The new memorandum of understanding extends Peace Corps' activities in Moldova through 2015.  During this period, Peace Corps will try to send approximately15 new Volunteers to Moldova each year, or approximately 75 Volunteers during the life of the agreement.  Peace Corps Volunteers work in Moldova's agricultural sector and support agriculture and rural business development throughout Moldova.

The Peace Corps is a U. S. Government agency that currently sends American citizens to volunteer in countries around the world.  There are currently almost 8,000 Volunteers serving in 73 countries worldwide.  Since 1961, almost 200,000 Volunteers have served in 139 countries.  Peace Corps has been operating in Moldova since 1993 and nearly 1,000 United States citizens have lived and worked in Moldova for two years at a time.  Peace Corps Volunteers in Moldova also teach English and work in schools,, health clinics,  non-governmental organizations, and mayor's offices.  There are currently 79 Peace Corps Volunteers in Moldova.


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