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American business mission to Chisinau

American business mission to Chisinau

At the initiative of the U.S. Embassies in Chisinau and in Bucharest, the American Chambers of Commerce of Moldova and Romania have organized the first ever American business mission to Chisinau , which will take place June 15 - 17, 2010.

The US Business Mission to Moldova will include companies that are members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania that are interested in the potential of the Moldovan market, as well as representatives of the Moldovan business community, who are interested in establishing business relationships with the American companies participating in the Mission.

An opening conference on June 16, at the Leogrand Hotel will launch the Mission's activities in Chisinau. HE Mr. Asif CHAUDHRY, US Ambassador to Moldova; HE Mr. Mark H. GITENSTEIN, US Ambassador to Romania; Mr. Vlad FILAT, Prime Minister of the R. of Moldova; and Mr. Valeriu LAZAR, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy, will be featured speakers at the conference, along with representatives of international institutions in Moldova, such as the World Bank, EBRD, and USAID, and other Moldovan business and media representatives.

The conference will provide the companies with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with investment opportunities in Moldova, the Moldovan Government's policies for attracting foreign investments, and the business environment in Moldova. A number of companies that are already running successful businesses in Moldova will share their experiences in strategic areas such as: energy, infrastructure, business funding opportunities, Moldovan tax regulations, the relevant judicial framework, and the Moldovan media environment. Among the companies that will make presentations on these topics are BCR Chisinau S.A., BDR Associates Communication Group, Horizon Capital Advisors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Moldova, Turcan & Turcan, and Vernon David.

The objective of the US Business Mission conference in Chisinau is to provide valuable information about investment opportunities and conditions for running a business in Moldova, and to help the potential investors who are in the delegation to make valuable contacts here.


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