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U.S. business mission TO Chisinau

The Republic of Moldova welcomed its first American trade mission today, with a conference at the Leogrand Hotel. The trade mission was initiated by the U.S. Embassies in Chisinau and in Bucharest and organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania).

The objective of the trade mission is to share information on investment opportunities and business conditions in Moldova, as well as to facilitate trading ties between companies operating in the Republic of Moldova and Romania.

The delegation from Bucharest, accompanied by HE Mark Gitenstein, the U.S. Ambassador in Bucharest, consists of representatives of 24 American, Romanian, and other international companies; members of AmCham Romania; and representatives of the U.S. Commercial Service. The delegation includes representatives from 3M, Agroexpert Capital, AECOM, Alcatel-Lucent, Berlitz, BRD - Groupe Société Générale, Cargill, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Dole, General Electric International, IBM, KPMG, McGuire Woods, Meditech, Motorola, Musat si Asociatii, Search Corporation, Swarco, and Vernon David si Asociatii.
„Many companies doing business in Romania also have responsibilities for the Moldovan market, therefore the mission represents an excellent chance for companies to increase market exposure and learn about new opportunities. Moreover, such interactions support the larger objective of cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldova", said Anca Harasim, AmCham Romania's Executive Director.

AmCham Romania believes that the proximity of the Moldovan market and its similarities with the Romanian market, are important advantages in attracting Romanian and other international investments to Moldova.

„The level of interest shown at today's event by foreign investors, particularly several major American companies, shows that the Moldovan market is becoming more attractive for foreign investors. The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova is proud to contribute to the process of improving the business climate in Moldova and raising awareness abroad of the opportunities that exist here.", declared John Maxemchuk, President of AmCham Moldova.

AmCham Moldova has offered their Romanian colleagues participating in the trade mission valuable information about issues of interest to potential investors, such as: energy, infrastructure, business financing opportunities, Moldovan tax regulations, the relevant judicial framework, and the Moldovan media environment. Among the companies that gave presentations on these topics were BCR Chisinau S.A., BDR Associates Communication Group, Horizon Capital Advisors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Moldova, Turcan & Turcan, and Vernon David.



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