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OSCE role in conflict prevention and resolution should be enhanced, says Ukrainian Foreign Minister

OSCE role in conflict prevention and resolution should be enhanced, says Ukrainian Foreign Minister

Unresolved and potential conflicts pose the greatest threat to security in the OSCE region and form a serious challenge to the Organization's work, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko told the Permanent Council today.

"Ukraine supports the strengthening of the role of the OSCE in conflict settlement, in particular by ensuring its presence in conflict areas," Gryshchenko said.

"Sustainable and long-term settlement of protracted conflicts should be achieved by peaceful means with full respect for sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states in their internationally recognized borders."

Gryshchenko said that Ukraine, which is a mediator along with the OSCE and the Russian Federation in the Transdniestran settlement process, strongly supported the prompt resumption of formal negotiations in the "5+2" format, which includes the two sides, the three mediators and the EU and the United States as observers.

"Ukraine will continue efforts aimed at resolving the Transdniestrian conflict by peaceful means," he said.

Conflict prevention also needed special attention, Gryshchenko said.

"Regrettably, recent deplorable events in Kyrgyzstan are yet another lesson we have to learn. Obviously, we should act now to strengthen the OSCE conflict prevention function, and to ensure that early warning and early action mechanisms work more effectively," he said.

Gryshchenko also discussed Ukraine's bid to chair the OSCE in 2013, saying the inspiration to launch this bid came from an appreciation of the OSCE's role in strengthening regional and global security.

"As chair of this Organization, Ukraine would be guided by the principles of mutual respect, equality, responsibility and transparency. We would act independently and impartially in promoting the common interests of all 56 participating States in all three dimensions. We would listen carefully to all partners and would do our utmost to achieve consensus on key issues of the OSCE agenda," he said.

The OSCE Chairmanship is decided by consensus by the 56 participating States. Kazakhstan, which holds the 2010 Chairmanship, will be succeeded by Lithuania. Ireland will chair the Organization in 2012.

The Permanent Council, one of the main regular decision-making bodies of the Organization, convenes regularly in Vienna to discuss developments in the OSCE area and to make appropriate decisions.


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