The forthcoming "Moldovan Business Week 2010" entitled "World Economic Crisis - Challenges and New Opportunities for Moldovan Economy", will take place in Chisinau, at the Palace of the Republic, between 22 and 25 June 2010. The event is organized in partnership with Vienna Economic Forum.
The "Moldovan Business Week 2010" incorporates major events as the 6th International Investment Forum, the Vienna Economic Forum - Chisinau meeting and the Investment Project Exhibition, which are organized by the Moldovan Investment and Export Promotion Organization (MIEPO) under the auspice of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. "Moldovan Business The Government of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with Vienna Economic Forum is organizing the forthcoming "Moldovan Business Week 2010" entitled "World Economic Crisis - Challenges and New Opportunities for Moldovan Economy", that will take place in Chisinau, at the Palace of the Republic, between 22 and 25 June 2010.
The agenda will be discussed during round tables and workshops on the following topics: "Developments in the financial sector of the Republic of Moldova ", "ICT Performances in the Republic of Moldova", "Innovative Networks - a New Formula of Regional Development", "Investment opportunities in various sectors".
The main purpose of this event are to increase investment flows in the Republic of Moldova by drawing attention of foreign investors to the Republic of Moldovan as a favorable investment destination, to facilitate dialogue between investors and local companies, to identify and promote future investment projects, and to focus investors' attention on specific sectors of national economy.
The "Moldova Business Week 2010" will get together representatives from the public central administration of the Republic of Moldova, international, regional and local banks, investment funds, international financial organizations, investment promotion agencies, foreign donors, foreign and local investors, foreign Embassies accredited to the Republic of Moldova, local companies and holders of investment projects, international experts, foreign and local media.