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Basket Fund for Moldova programme announces projects’ selection

7 projects were selected within the Call for Proposal of the Basket Fund initiative, launched in June 2010 by the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) and East Europe Foundation (EEF) in the framework of the European Partnership Fair for Civil Society Organizations in Moldova.
The main aim of the Basket Fund is to support projects that would correspond to the Partnership Fair's goals: share valuable experience from European transitions to democracy; develop new partnerships; strengthen the country's fledgling democracy and show support for the country's pro-European agenda. At the moment, the Basket Fund consists of financial contribution from East Europe Foundation (EEF), National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic.

139 projects were received as an answer to the Basket Fund Call for Proposal - 38 proposals being submitted by Partnership Fair participants. All the projects were reviewed and evaluated by an independent Panel of Experts. As a result of the review process, 16 projects were short-listed and 7 were selected for funding. The size of each project budget is between 8000 and 10000 USD.

The main criteria taken into consideration during the assessment were that projects should be based on the idea of EU-Moldova sustainable Partnership; on sharing knowledge and experience between the partner organizations and that projects should present original and innovative ideas.

Below is the List of Selected projects:

- Association Caroma Nord (Moldova) in partnership with "Hologen" (Hungary); Association "Dialogue" (Hungary); Center for Dialogue and Cooperation (Romania) and Association for Sustainable Development „Lower Danube"/"Dunarea de Jos" (Romania) - project "Partnership for a Cleaner Environment";

- Youth Union Siin (Estonia) in partnership with Social-Informational Center "Apriori" (Moldova) - project "Absolutely No secret";

- Institute for Training and Development „MilleniuM" (Moldova) in partnership with Foundation Local Activity Group Partnership for Warmia (Poland) - project "Social activism of youth in rural areas of Moldova and Poland";

- Máme otevřeno?, o. s. (Czech Republic) in partnership with Center of rehabilitation and counseling "OSORC" (Moldova) - project "Máme otevřeno?, o. s. and OSorc partnership - education and training in social work and social services";

- Association Youth for the Right to Live TDV (Moldova) in partnership with Foundation "Next to You" (Romania) - project "Transfer of good practices in the field of volunteering between organizations from Moldova and Romania"; (subject to confirmation from the donor)

- Association "Center for Debates Criuleni" (Moldova) in partnership with Association "A Smile" (Romania) and Center "Universe of Youth" (Moldova) - project "European Partnership for promoting youth initiatives"; (subject to confirmation from the donor)

- Association Children's Friends (Moldova) in partnership with Cooperativa Sociale Tanaliberatutti Tielleti (Italy) - project "Children have the Right to Play - with the Play-bus towards a happy childhood"; (subject to confirmation from the donor)

More detailed information can be found on: and


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