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ForMin Baconschi is confident that EC will take into account Republic of Moldova's individual merits

ForMin Baconschi is confident that EC will take into account Republic of Moldova's individual merits

Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Baconschi on Wednesday, Sept. 29 expressed his confidence that all the European Commission's evaluations will take into account the Republic of Moldova's individual merits during the European integration process.

'We are confident that all the European Commission's evaluations will take into account the Republic of Moldova's individual merits. There was no mono-enlargement in the history of the European integration, but this time, either you are grouped with the Western Balkans, or evaluated as such, because you should not be penalised given that you have done the right things quite fast, on the contrary, you should be awarded substantial progress in all forms of negotiations between you and the Commission,' said the Romanian Minister, on the occasion of a joint press conference held in Chisinau with his Moldovan counterpart Iurie Leanca.

The Romanian Chief Diplomat underscored that Romania made lobby in Brussels for all topics present on the Moldovan-EU agenda, such as visas, free trade agreement or financing projects related to power and railroad interconnection.

'Romania is inherently the most faithful and loud facilitator of your dialogue with the European Commission and the member states. We want that the future action of the EU Group of Moldova's friends in view of its European integration to continue and we are certain that this is the best direction for the Moldovan citizens,' said Baconschi.AGERPRES



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