After the draw on Monday, October 4, 2010, 17:00, CEC has established 12 pre-order candidates on the ballot. A total number of 12 parties have submitted document for registration as electoral competitors.
In case of meeting all the requirements, the parties will be registered as follows:
1. National Liberal Party,
2. Democratic Party,
3. Liberal Party,
4. Moldova Unita-United Moldova Party,
5. People's Christian Democratic Party,
6. European Action Movement,
7. Party of Patriots of Moldova,
8. Party "For People and Country,"
9. Republican Party,
10. Alliance Moldova Noastra-Our Moldova,
11. Humanist Party,
12. Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova.
The List of candidates for election will be published on
According to the Electoral Code, CEC registers the nominated candidates for election within 7 days after the receipt of documents.
The final order of inclusion in the ballot will be defined only after the CEC decision to register the candidates at parliamentary elections on November 28, 2010 will be approved.