Office of PDM in Soroca devastated
Press service of Democratic Party of Moldova announced that the office of PDM branch in Soroca was devastated. According to the source, criminals broke into the office and stole the safe, containing the stamp of the party's district organization and many documents related to the party's activity. PDM qualifies this incident as a clear sign of rough electoral campaign. Aggression could promote only a polarization of society and citizens' disappointment in political elites, in democratic nature of electoral process. PDM requested law enforcement bodies to investigate this case and elucidate the circumstances of the incident.
PLDM will renounce the immunity
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova organized a public manifestation, in which party candidates announced that they will renounce the parliamentary immunity if they accede to power after the elections of November, 28. PLDM promised also to take away immunity from judges. The commitment to renounce the immunity is a part of party's electoral platform, titled "Moldova without poverty - Moldova without corruption." According to PLDM leader, Vlad Filat, this will ensure equality before the law for all citizens, no matter what function someone has, because governmental immunity is a tool that prevents the solution of problems related to corruption in the country.
PDM presented the list of candidates for the Parliament
Democratic Party of Moldova presented the list of candidates for the Parliament within a public manifestation. The PDM leader, Marian Lupu, declared that the list of candidates could undergo changes. He reiterated the proposal to businessman - Vladimir Plahotniuc, to be included in the list. The leaders of PDM mentioned that the doors would stay open to all interested parts for post electoral dialog. President of Honor of PDM, Dumitru Diacov, remarked that "those from the right are trying to push us to the left, and those from the left are trying to push us to the right, in order to reduce the space of maneuvering". Referring to the relations of Moldova with its neighbors, the leader of PDM declared that there are good relations with Russia, Ukraine and Romania, specifying that Bucharest could manifest a support of government coalition if it would agree to sign the Basic Treaty and The Border Treaty with the Republic of Moldova.