The campaign "Vote, people!"
The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) launched the awareness raising and civic education campaign in the parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010. The campaign slogan is "Vote, people!" and is announced as having innovative approaches: using social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube); launching a contest on Internet; a web presentation The campaign is based on the strength of the popular song "People, people" and is meant to unite people of different ages, culture and social status regardless of their whereabouts, using the slogan "Vote, people!". The campaign is funded by the Central Electoral Commission, the UNDP-EU project "Electoral support for Moldova", the Council of Europe, IFES and the OIM. (source: CEC)Other campaign messages
Our Moldova Alliance (AMN) has summarized and announced its agitators' reports from districts and announced that it has already accumulated nearly 110,000 voters willing to support the party on November 28, 2010.The data were presented at a press conference held by Victor Osipov, AMN first vice president. According to Osipov, national survey results show that AMN shall accumulate about 7 percent of the votes (on a turnout of over 1 million 500 thousand citizens), and the success of the party will be a guarantee for the restoration of democratic ruling coalition immediately after the parliamentary elections. (source: AMN press release)
In a radio interview, the leader of the Liberal Party, Mihai Ghimpu, said the European Integration Alliance (EIA) in early parliamentary elections will accumulate more than 50 percent of the votes and that "the Alliance has victory in its pocket". Ghimpu hopes the EIA will accumulate the necessary seats to form the parliamentary majority and even up to 61 seats in order to elect the head of state. Speaking of non-aggression pact between the Alliance leaders, Mihai Ghimpu said there is still time for it to be signed. (source: Radio Voice of Bessarabia)
Social Political Movement "Ravnopravie" (MR) promises that Russian will be introduced as a second state language and advocates for Moldova's integration in the CIS, strategic relations with Russia and keeping the country's neutral status. These statements were made by MR leader Valerii Climenco during the presentation of the Movement's electoral program. MR also promises that national minorities will be promoted to state positions, in line with their actual share of the population.
The independent candidate Gabriel Stati launched into the electoral campaign with the slogan "Your voice in Parliament!" and promises to be representative of young people in the Legislative. Stati announced that among the reasons which led him to engage in politics is disappointment about the referendum of September 5 and its invalidation. If Gabi Stati will manage to get into Parliament, he will collaborate with democratic forces. The priority issues faced by young people in the Republic of Moldova include small scholarships, the lack of a job after graduation and the lack of a place to live. Electoral slogan chosen by Gabriel Stati was qualified as plagiarism by another potential candidate, Sergiu Banari, who has run in elections of April 5, 2009 with the slogan "Sergiu Banari - your voice in Parliament".
Distant duel between PDM and PLDM
Within a meeting with inhabitants of Hincesti district, Democratic Party Chairman (PDM), Marian Lupu, has openly expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Vlad Filat. PDM leader said that those who coordinated the governance process were either incompetent or just concerned about their personal success and in the future such behaviour will not be accepted. Lupu also said that after November 28, he will provide a governance with mainly leftist economic program focused on resolving social problems, and the most important thing that he reproaches to himself was that he allowed the EIA governance to be coordinated by a centre-right program and with a Prime Minister who has a populist public attitude. (source: Info-Prim Neo)
In a TV program, Vlad Filat, PLDM Chairman, has indirectly responded to his alliance's fellow, saying that Marian Lupu is reorienting to attack and snatch from the electorate of the coalition parties, after seeing that he doesn't manage to break sympathizers away from communists. Filat also said he expects his actions to be categorised, but he does not accept comments from people who over many years have held high positions in Government or Parliament on behalf of the PCRM. Referring to relations with partners in the ruling Alliance, Filat reiterated the PLDM stand, stressing that his party will not make alliance with communists after the elections and requests the coalition partners to do the same and declare it in advance. (source: Publika TV)
Teleradio-Moldova launched election debates
Public company "Teleradio-Moldova" announced about offering free time on radio and TV to all candidates, as well as about launching electoral debates, lasting 80 minutes daily on TV and 90 minutes on Radio. There will be three debate rounds for:
- political parties;
- independent candidates;
- young wing representatives of political parties.