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Election News from November 8, 2010

Election News from November 8, 2010

OSCE / ODIHR evaluates the campaign

Election Observation Mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE / ODIHR) made first assessments of the electoral campaign for parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010.According to a statement of the OSCE / ODIHR Mission, there are positive aspects, but also some negative moments. Among the positive aspects the following could be noted:

  • adoption of several recommendations made earlier by the OSCE / ODIHR and CoE Venice Commission concerning the electoral law;
  • competitiveness nature of the electoral campaigning;
  • political involvement of women;
  • there are no legal impediments for national minorities to participate in the electoral process;
  • improvements in media coverage of the campaign, the emergence of new news channels, increasing the plurality of views.

Concerns are stated with reference to:

  • recent amendment of electoral legislation to change the mandates allocation methodology and enabling simplified voting for students;
  • the presence of tensions, clashes and minor incidents, promotion of negative propaganda materials;
  • invocation by several parties of the lack of funds for campaign financing;
  • presence of dubious funding by persons who did not previously declare about significant revenues etc.

(source: Info-Prim Neo Agency)

CEC holds training seminars

Central Electoral Commission (CEC) holds on November 5 to 19 training seminars with the chairpersons and secretaries of all the electoral polling stations established in the country.The training seminars will address the main tasks of the polling stations' election bureaux and procedures for performing these tasks. Other institutions are also involved in various training processes and in preparation for parliamentary elections on various topics: the work of observers, representatives of electoral competitors, media, etc.

Election incidents

Political parties involved in electoral campaign report about various incidents and even electoral clashes:

  • Democratic Party of Moldova announces that on November 6 the DPM electoral billboards in the town Anenii Noi were vandalized by unknown persons, and swastika was applied on the billboards;
  • Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (LDPM) announced that: • during the night of November 5 to 6, the headquarters of Balti territorial organization of LDPM was vandalized, the party flag and the state flag of Moldova were torn (the red strip was the only left), the electoral postings in front of the premises were destroyed and the building walls were defiled; • on November the 6th an incident occurred in Bulbocii-Noi village, Soroca district, where an LDPM agitator was subjected to violent treatment and threatened with death by a supporter of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (the perpetrator was identified and apprehended by the police); • on the evening of November 6, during a disco party organized by the Liberal Democrat youth from the town of Leova, an unidentified person threw inside premises a tear gas spray; • in Biruinta village, district of Singerei, a mobile team of young agitators was stopped by some persons dressed in camouflage, who intimidated and threatened them, seizing their campaigning materials; • on the evening of November 7, during a meeting held in a student campus in Riscani sector of Chisinau municipality, unidentified persons set fire to leaves and damaged the electrical connection, preventing a movie show dedicated to the International Day of Victims of Communism;
  • Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova alleges intimidation of students by the management of educational institutions and reports about prevented meetings with students in the hostels of the Academy of Economic Studies and University of Medicine etc.
  • on the night of November 7 to 8, in Botanica sector of Chisinau municipality3 billboards of the Liberal Party (LP) were vandalized, this case is the fourth in the last 48 hours regarding the LP billboards in Chisinau municipality.

(source: press releases of the listed parties, mass media)

PSD picks up the glove thrown to communists

Social Democratic Party (PSD) has sent an open letter to Vlad Filat, LDPM Chairman, referring to the invitation to a public debate made for Vladimir Voronin, PCRM Chairman, an invitation that was rejected. PSD Chairman Victor Selin shows willing to participate in public debate, he show open to accept the same place and time for debates, as well as any citizen as a moderator or author of questions. (source: PSD)

PNL invokes obstacles in placing the electoral advertising

Chair of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Vitalia Pavlicenco, released a statement claiming that placement of PNL electoral advertisement is hampered by the public transportation of Chisinau municipality. Accusations are addressed to the City Hall of Chisinau mun. and to other representatives of the Liberal Party, who would narrowly interpret the electoral law and would not allow similar agitation from some electoral candidates who have substantial financial resources, nor to admit spreading of the unionist message of the PNL. (source:

Youth Parliament motivates young voters

Youth Parliament (2nd convocation) launched a motivation and information campaign "The Youth' Choice" in order to inform and motivate those who have reached the adulthood to participate in parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010. In order to influence young people to vote, the seminars are proposes, as well as roundtables and contests in various institutions of secondary education and the "Parties Fair" is organised. The Campaign "The Youth' Choice" shall be held on November 8 to 20, in the partnership with CEC.



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