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Preliminary results of the Parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010

Preliminary results of the Parliamentary elections of November 28, 2010

On November 28, 2010, early elections to the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova were held. 39 electoral contestants participated in the elections: 20 political parties and 19 independent candidates. The threshold for representation in the Parliament is 4% of the valid votes cast for parties and 2% for independent candidates.

CEC has validated the elections; voter turnout was 59.10%.

Election protocols processed - 100%

Electoral Contestants%Seats
National Liberal Party 0.6% 0
Democratic Party of Moldova 12.7% 15
Liberal Party 10.0% 12
Party "Moldova Unita (United Moldova)" 0.5% 0
Christian Democratic People's Party 0.5% 0
"Actiunea Europeana (European Action)" Movement 1.2% 0
Party "Patriots of Moldova" 0.1% 0
"Pentru Neam si Tara (For Nation and Country)" Party 0.3% 0
Republican Party of Moldova 0.1% 0
"Moldova Noastra (Our Moldova)" Alliance 2.0% 0
Humanist Party of Moldova 0.9% 0
Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova 39.3% 42
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova 29.4% 32
Valeriu Plesca 0.2% 0
Conservative Party 0.1% 0
Gabriel Stati 0.5% 0
Popular Republican Party 0.1% 0
Social-political Movement "Ravnopravie (Equality)" 0.1% 0
Social Democratic Party 0.6% 0
Victor Stepaniuc 0.1% 0
Roma Social-political Movement of the Republic of Moldova 0.1% 0
Evghenii Nazarenco <0.1% 0
Gheorghe Russu <0.1% 0
Labour Party 0.1% 0
Maia Laguta 0.1% 0
Ecological Party of Moldova "Alianta Verde (Green Alliance)" 0.1% 0
Tatiana Timbalist <0.1% 0
Romeo Cereteu <0.1% 0
Afanasie Birladeanu <0.1% 0
Oleg Bolotnicov <0.1% 0
Oleg Cazac <0.1% 0
Vitalie Taulean <0.1% 0
Elena Burghila-Leonte <0.1% 0
Valentina Cusnir <0.1% 0
Alexandru Demian <0.1% 0
Sergiu Iachim <0.1% 0
Natalia Axenova <0.1% 0
Vasile Lupascu <0.1% 0
Sergiu Banari <0.1% 0



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