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IDIS „Viitorul” has launched a special webpage on liberalization of visa regime with the EU –

IDIS „Viitorul” has launched a special webpage on liberalization of visa regime with the EU –

IDIS „Viitorul" is launching today, March 2, 2011, the webpage - comprising the most recent progresses of the Republic of Moldova in fulfillment of technical criteria, which once achieved, will allow free movement of its citizens across the EU member states. The site was developed in the context of a project implemented simultaneously in all six countries included in the Eastern Partnership, managed by PASOS (Policy Association for an Open Society). Funding is provided by the Public Service Reform Initiative and Local Government (LGI) of Open Society Foundations. IDIS "Viitorul" is one of the initiators of the project and partner for Moldova, as a full member of the PASOS network. aims to compile all the European and national official documents related directly to the liberalization of visa regime with the EU. In addition, there are placed alternative studies and reports signed by civil society experts from Moldova, but also researches originating from other states interested in the success of the Moldova's European integration. However, will take those journalistic materials that prove to be sufficiently documented to explain the criteria to be met by our country to abolish visas for EU, focusing on reforms and less on political connotations of the process.

The first study published on is a product of the project "Paving the road towards visa-free travel between the Eastern Partnership countries and EU member states". Research author, Leonid Litra notes that most of the criteria set in the Action Plan on visa liberalization between the EU and Moldova are similar to those in the Balkans.

However, the decision to liberalize visas is more difficult and stressful, explains the author: "Chisinau should undergo the first phase of this plan, which is represented by legal corroboration to European standards. The second stage consists in applying the legal provisions adopted at the first stage, and meeting the criteria of the Action plan. Subsequently, the final decision must be adopted by the Parliament by absolute majority and by the European Council by qualified majority voting". That would mean at least 12 Member States, which is in approximately 62% of the EU population, without UK and Ireland. Those countries are not participating in this exercise in the European Council because they are not in Schengen area.

Among the greatest challenges to obtain the right to free movement within the EU, Leonid Litra highlights: successful implementation of the Agreements on visa facilitation and readmission; an advanced degree of cooperation between authorities and civil society; lowering prices and popularization of the biometric passports; reformation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by corroboration of the legal framework and integration of the Border Guard Service; effective control of migration, especially the Transnistria region; more efficient cooperation between Moldova and Ukraine; fighting corruption.

Similar studies have been conducted in parallel within all Eastern Partnership countries - Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, and Belarus - to foster the spirit of competition, but also to compare progress and find solutions to common problems. In addition to studies and webpages entitled "novisa", followed by national extension and the website, PASOS project includes advocacy events at European level to accelerate the acquisition of a liberalized visa regime with the EU. However, relations with Brussels and EU member states will allow early management of any sympathy and reluctance to provide the necessary political support to enjoy a Europe without barriers.


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