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Titus Corlatean: Republic of Moldova shld not abandon European integration road

Titus Corlatean: Republic of Moldova shld not abandon European integration road

The Republic of Moldova should not abandon the road to European integration, to the values of democracy, to freedom, to a better life, and Romania is lending its support to see it crossing this in the shortest time possible, said on Monday, Titus Corlatean, Chairman of Romania's Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs.

He congratulated Romanians on both sides of the Prut River on the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the unification of Bessarabia with Romania, the celebration being "an occasion to remember what happened then, what was to follow, but also an opportunity to look with confidence into the future. "

"In its resolution of March 27, 1918 the National Council of Bessarabia was stating: 'The Democratic Republic of Moldova, a territory divided for a hundred years by Russia from the body of old Moldova, in the name of historical justice and the peoples' sovereign right to decide their own fate decides the union with the motherland, Romania". The documents of that time recorded a fact, that some might regard as a detail, but which is striking for what is the Romanian people's soul: During a visit to Bessarabia of representatives of the Allied commission (French, British and Americans) who analyzed the 'Peace of Versailles' conditions, they found out that, despite Russification attempts for almost a hundred years, the inhabitants of Bessarabia villages were still speaking Romanian", PSD Senator highlighted.

Titus Corlatean has argued, in the quoted press release, that the recent visits to Chisinau of some western officials, as well as the one paid by the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmstrom, and by the American Vice president Joe Biden is a signal for the road Moldova has chosen.

The PSD Senator also recalled that Joe Biden stated in Chisinau that because a successful Moldova will benefit this region; it will benefit Europe; and it will benefit the United States of America.

Titus Corlatean also said that he is backing up the cooperation program between the Parliament in Bucharest and the one in Chisinau aimed at the start of accession negotiations of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. AGERPRES


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