The EU today granted greater access to Moldova's exports. The EU already allows Moldova to export to the EU without duties and without limitations with the exception of 12 agricultural products which can be exported duty free up to a certain volume. The EU is today increasing the volumes for some of these products and extending the duration of the regime to 2015.
The EU's Autonomous Trade Preferences regime granted Moldova access to EU markets on special terms from 2008. This legislation is modified in two ways: It extends the duration of the special access to the EU market by three years to December 2015; The remaining volume limitations on duty-free exports, known as tariff rate quotas, are relaxed for four other products. For example; Moldova will be able to export duty free an additional 5 million litres of wine (50,000 hectolitres, or more than 6.6 million bottles) in 2011 to the EU, bringing it to a total of 150,000hl for 2011. The volume will increase to 180,000hl in 2012 and 240,000hl for the each of the years 2013 to 2015; The annual duty free tariff rate quotas for barley, maize, and wheat have been increased by 5,000 tonnes per year for the years 2013 to 2015
These changes come into force today.
The Autonomous Trade Preferences regime provides Moldova with substantial export opportunities, including unused potential for exports of beef, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. The EU is supporting Moldova in its efforts to meet the EU's public health requirements so that these products can be exported to the EU.
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