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OSCE Secretary General to visit Moldova

OSCE Secretary General to visit Moldova

OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier will be in Chisinau and Tiraspol from 16 to 18 July to discuss OSCE work and the Transdniestrian settlement process.

Meetings are scheduled with President Nicolae Timofti, Prime Minister Vlad Filat

Speaker of Parliament Marian Lupu, Deputy Prime Minister and Chief Negotiator Eugen Carpov and Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca, as well as with Mihail Formuzal, Bashkan of Gagauzia. In Tiraspol he will meet Transdniestrian leader Evgeny Shevchuk and Chief Negotiator Nina Shtanski.

He will also meet ambassadors of the mediators and observers in the settlement process, as well as with civil society representatives and OSCE staff in Chisinau, Bender and Tiraspol.


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