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ANRCETI will issue 4G licenses to three operators providing mobile networks and services

ANRCETI will issue 4G licenses to three operators providing mobile networks and services

The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) will issue to the three operators providing public mobile networks and services, directly, before December 31, 2012, one license each, for the use of radio frequencies of 2500-2690 MHz band, for the provision of 4th generation (4G) public mobile terrestrial networks and services, with broadband radio access, in LTE standard. This is a provision from ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision (doc. in state language) establishing the number of licenses, for the use of radio frequencies from 2500-2690 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz bands. The Decision will enter in force on the date it is published in the Official Gazette.

This Decision was taken pursuant to the Law on Electronic Communications and in accordance with the Government Decree (doc. in state language) no. 365 of 06.06.2012 on the development of public electronic communications networks and services with broadband radio access. The licenses will be issued following the applications submitted at ANRCETI invitation by the three mobile operators (JSC „Orange Moldova”, JSC „Moldcell” and JSC „Moldtelecom”), upon their paying the 10 million euro fee, as established by the Government through the mentioned Decree. In case before the end of 2012, one or more licenses were not applied for, ANRCETI will tender them. 

The ANRCETI Administrative Board Decision also provides for the issuance of a license for the use of the radio frequency sub-band 3750-3800 MHz, of 50 MHz bandwidth, from the 3600-3800 MHz band, for the provision of public electronic communications networks and services with broadband radio access. This license will be issued through an open tender, by applying the competitive selection procedure, under the terms and according to the criteria and procedure established by ANRCETI. The license fee will be determined as a result of the tender, which will start with 1 million euro minimal price.

ANRCETI will launch the call for applications for license for the use of radio frequencies of 2500-2690 MHz band after the approval of the License Conditions (doc. in state language), a document currently undergoing public consultations on the Internet page. According to this document, the license will be issued for a 15-year timeframe and will be valid on the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova.

In the timeframe 2011 – 2012, the three mobile operators tested the LTE access technology based on provisional licenses for the use of radio frequencies of 2500-2690 MHz band, issued by ANRCETI. According to the reports submitted by the operators, the tests results were positive, being close to the parameters declared by the manufacturers of the equipment in the technical specifications.

The LTE standard (Long Term Evolution), also known as 4G, is a wireless IP-based technology which ensures high data transmission speeds. The new technology will significantly improve the mobile Internet access, developing up to 100 Mbps download and up to 50 Mbps upload speeds, will facilitate the interactivity and the data transmission capacity, mobile video conferences, will offer tools for remote routing and supervising of M2M (machine-to-machine) devices, for deploying private mini networks HOME or Enterprise Office and access to digital television SD/HD and 3D IPTV on a mobile device, both by means of the set-top-box and by means of an advanced laptop, connected via a 4G modem, to the new generation mobile network.


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