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The moldovan citizens will be able to apply digital signature by using the mobile phone

The moldovan citizens will be able to apply digital signature by using the mobile phone

The Moldovan Government with the support of the SOE “Center of Special Telecommunications” and the Center for Electronic Governance, in partnership with the mobile network operators, Moldcell and Orange, has launched the "Mobile Signature" service.

„Mobile Signature” is an innovative service which allows the authentication in cyberspace for proof of identity by using the mobile phone.

With the „ Mobile Signature” citizens will be able to sign acts, reports, statements by institutions or online requests from distance. Similarly, the citizens will be able to access both public and private electronic services.

“The Government has taken another step to be closer to citizens and to simplify their lives. The mobile signature is designed to bring people comfort, efficiency and safety ", said the Prime Minister Vlad Filat.

„ Each of us, at least once per month signs documents and requests copies of documents. The authorities must connect the new requirements and be prepared to deal with the electronic documents requests. The law makes it clear that institutions are bound to accept digitally signed documents. The electronic document has the same legal effect as the paper document, authenticated by handwritten signature. In the digital century, the interaction between authorities and citizens can successfully take place in cyberspace. In this way, we get rid of corruption, save time and become efficient ", mentioned the Premier. 

The Executive Director of the Center for Electronic Governance, Stela Mocan, stated that the "Mobile Signature" will be used anywhere and at anytime, on the mobile phone. This service is not an obligatory one, but an alternative means of proof of citizens’ identity, just as the electronic public services are an alternative to the traditional public services, at the counter. Everyone will need, for example, an act of civil status, a copy of an official act or allowances will be able to online request them by using the "Mobile Signature".

By the end of 2012, the "Mobile Signature" will be offered free of charge by the mobile network operators. In the future, the service price will be one affordable to citizens.

For obtaining the "Mobile Signature" people will go to representatives of the mobile operators. The procurement procedure is quick and easy. The subscribers will complete an application and immediately receive a special SIM card which includes the Mobile Signature and a unique PIN code. Also, when registering, every citizen will be able to choose a tariff plan and a subscription type.

“A year ago Moldcell initiated national-level discussions about the implementation of the Mobile signature in Moldova, because we already have 4 successful implementations in our international group TeliaSonera. What seemed a dream became reality and I’m proud that Moldcell contributed to this big change in Moldova.

Unlike other countries where the Mobile signature was dictated by the banking environment, in Moldova the service’s release was realized thanks to the partnership between the Government and the private sector. We highly appreciate this cooperation that proves the existence of open and transparent governance.

Moldcell encourages the international implementation of this initiative and it’s an active member of the GSMA’s Mobile Identity Stream direction.
We are glad to share our experience with other countries, transforming Moldova into a good example of an innovation leader”, declared Barkin Secen, Moldcell’s Executive Director.

“Now the mobile phone becomes an authentic signature device that has full legal power, which allows over 2 million Orange clients, regardless of their phone’s type and model, to have access to electronic services. The service will be enabled in all Orange shops at the request of the customers.

While launching the mobile signature we enjoyed the total involvement and support of the Orange Group experts on SIM applications. Together we finished the foundation of a grand building.

The mobile signature makes possible to develop new electronic services, both public and commercial. And we are convinced that the launch of the mobile signature will change the daily life of every citizen of the Republic of Moldova”, said Liudmila Climoc, Orange Moldova’s Executive Director .

According to Law No. 264 of 15 July 2004 “on electronic document and digital signature”, the documents in electronic format are equivalent to paper documents signed by hand.

In order to obtain the digital signature right via mobile phone, certificates issued by the Center of Special Telecommunications will be used, and the right for registration of users will be given to mobile operators.
“The public key certificate used in Mobile Signature service is issued by “The center of special telecommunications”. Each owner of the mobile signature can be sure that it will provide a high security level of operations, data integrity, procession speed, confidentiality and acceptance.
The mobile signature is nothing more than the digital signature traditionally issued by “The center of special telecommunications” and has the same legal effect as the printed document with handwritten signature. We are happy to find that this opportunity offered to the citizens will increase the use of the digital signature, which will be very soon a common thing for most of us and not hard to understand”, declared Serghei Popovici, the Executive Director of “The center of special telecommunications”.

In February, 2012, the mobile operators from Moldova have signed the Agreement on the implementation of the mobile electronic identity service application - Mobile e-ID. For the beginning, the service will be launched with the Moldcell and Orange operators.

The launch of the "Mobile Signature" service is one of the Government's priorities for 2012. Recently, the Center for Electronic Governance has launched a new public electronic service “e-Cazier”, and by the end of this year plans to launch other services, such as online-license, electronic reporting to the National Health Insurance Company and online application for documents in the construction field.


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