The Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Ambassador Jennifer Brush, today welcomed the agreed intensified meeting schedule between representatives of the sides of the Transdniestrian conflict.
Her comments followed private meeting between Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat and Transdniestrian leader Yevgeny Shevchuk on 25 September, as well as a meeting of the Chief Negotiators Eugen Carpov and Nina Shtanski.
“It is encouraging to see the sides take the initiative to meet and resolve issues. The more Chisinau and Tiraspol meet and talk, the lower the risk for misunderstandings and misinterpretations. I am personally convinced of both sides’ commitment to the settlement process, and I look forward to an intensification of meetings as agreed at in Vienna in early September,” said Brush.
Since the latest round of talks in the format of 5+2 held on 12-13 September, the representatives of the sides have agreed to meet more frequently to work towards agreement on pressing issues such as the opening of the Gura Bicului—Bicioc Bridge and the status of the Moldovan-administered schools on the left bank.
“The OSCE is ready to support in all possible ways the sides and the people on both banks of the Dniester / Nistru River in all possible ways. The OSCE Mission to Moldova is a trusted partner in building a bridge to a shared, secure future,” said Brush.
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28.09.2012Head of OSCE Mission to Moldova welcomes meetings between sides in Transdniestrian settlement process

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