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Traian Basescu: Citizens of Republic of Moldova deserve to enjoy all advantages the EU offers, as soon as possible

Traian Basescu: Citizens of Republic of Moldova deserve to enjoy all advantages the EU offers, as soon as possible

On the special occasion of the Days of Chisinau, the capital of the Republic of Moldova, on Sunday, President Traian Basescu stressed that the citizens of this state deserve to enjoy all the advantages the European Union offers to its member countries, and this as soon as possible.

"I think it is important that each community should devote a special moment to the celebration of its identity and the memory of the traditions that define it, in the diverse landscape of the contemporary world. Chisinau's history, culture and peculiar charm make that this holiday should bring together all those who feel attachment to this place, and particularly for the people who through their efforts and abnegation have turned the city into an European capital," Basescu's address says.

He also emphasized that remembering the historical past is an essential condition for being able to ponder maturely over the present and the choices which we have to make to the common wellbeing, in the future.

"I think, it is our obligation to build a common future as the citizens of the Republic of Moldova deserve to enjoy all the advantages the EU offers, and this sooner possibly. I assure you that Romania will continue backing up unconditionally the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova because it is our duty to stand by the Romanians of Basarabia. I am positive the events you play host for will be an occasion for deep emotion both for the dwellers of Chisinau and for those arrived from far away to share the joy of the celebration. May Mother Virgin of Our Lord protect the city of Chisinau and bestow on its dwellers the wisdom of nourishing trust and respect so that you may succeed accomplishing projects, meeting the citizens' aspirations," President Basescu's message reads on.

Romanian President's address was presented by the Presidential Administration state advisor Eugen Tomac. /Agerpres/


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