The Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, Ambassador Jennifer Brush, presented today the annual 16-Day Campaign against Gender-Based Violence under the slogan “Real men don’t beat women”. Brush spoke at a press conference organized at the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, in co-operation with the Interior Ministry and non-governmental organizations.
The Mission’s contribution to the campaign was launched last weekend with a rugby match at the stadium in Ratus village near Chisinau. The event opened an international tournament with male and female teams organized in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Rugby Federation of Moldova.
“Sports are an excellent tool to promote zero tolerance towards violence against women,” said Brush. “It is inspiring to see more and more men and boys in Moldova promoting positive male roles and gender equality.”
The campaign will continue with other awareness-raising activities including a video featuring Moldovan boxing, wrestling, weight lifting and swimming champions from both sides of the Dniestr/Nistru river speaking out against gender violence. The video will be broadcast on national public TV.
The Mission will also conduct workshops and training events, take part in a television talk show, run a youth video contest and distribute T-shirts, baseball caps, ribbons and information materials.
Sports federations, non-governmental organizations, academia and United Nations agencies in Moldova also support the campaign.
The global 16-Day Campaign was launched in 1991 and aims to prevent and combat gender-based violence by raising public awareness. It starts on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and ends on 10 December, International Human Rights Day.
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26.11.2012OSCE launches campaign against gender violence in Moldova

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