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Increasing number of users prefer dedicated wireless Internet access

Increasing number of users prefer dedicated wireless Internet access

According to the data available with the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), in the first nine months of 2012, the total number of subscribers to broadband Internet services at fixed locations increased compared with the same period of last year, by 11.7%, exceeding 396.5 thousand. The number of users of dedicated mobile Internet (3G networks) increased by 34.2% and equaled 176.6 thousand.

The penetration rate of Internet services at fixed locations per 100 population increased over the end of 2011 by 1.17 percent points (p. p.), and exceeded 11,1%, whereas the penetration rate of mobile Internet – by 1,2 p. p. and made 4,7%. At the end of 2011, the average value of the first indicator in the CIS was 9,3%, in Europe – 24,8%.

In the reporting timeframe, the fixed Internet operators connected over 41,4 thousand new subscribers to their networks. Over 60% of the number of new subscribers was connected to the Internet via FTTx (Fiber to the premises) networks, 25.4% – based on xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology and 13.7% – via coaxial cable. As of October 1, 2012, the share of fixed Internet subscribers connected via xDSL networks was 52.3%, via FTTx – 41.9% and coaxial cable – 5.5%.

In this timeframe, the three 3G mobile providers (JSC „Orange Moldova”, JSC „Moldcell” and JSC „Moldtelecom”) connected 42.7 thousand new subscribers to dedicated mobile Internet (via modems and data cards). As of October 1, 2012, JSC „Orange Moldova” had over 80.5 thousand subscribers to these services, JSC „Moldcell” – 56.6 thousand and JSC „Moldtelecom” – 30,4 thousand.

According to ANRCETI data, in the timeframe January – September 2012, the volume of revenues reported by operators of data transmission and internet access services at fixed locations increased over the same timeframe of 2011 by 15.6% and exceeded 582,6 million lei, the bulk of this sum – over 475.4 million lei coming from sales of services of access to the global networks. This increase was caused, mainly, by the growing volumes of sales by JSC „Moldtelecom” (by 21.6%, reaching 410.7 million lei), by JSC „Orange Moldova” (by 13.6%, reaching over 21 million lei) and LLC “Starnet” (by 5%, reaching over 83,5 million lei). The aggregated revenue of the other operators on this market dropped by 1,2% and equaled 67,3 million lei.

However, the average monthly revenue per user (ARPU) on this market dropped, compared to the nine months of 2011, by 3,6% and constituted 140,5 lei. JSC “Orange Moldova” and LLC „Starnet” achieved a higher indicator – 559,1 lei and 146,3 lei accordingly. The ARPU of JSC „Moldtelecom” was 135 lei, JSC „Sun Communications” – 87,3 lei.

In the timeframe under report, the data transmission and fixed Internet access market was operated by 53 providers: the biggest – JSC „Moldtelecom”, as of October 1, 2012, held 70.8% market share in terms of revenues, LLC „Starnet” – 13,7% and JSC „Orange Moldova” – 3,5%. The other 50 providers joint share was 12%.


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