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United Nations Resident Coordinator in Moldova Addresses the Parliament

United Nations Resident Coordinator in Moldova Addresses the Parliament

UN Resident Coordinator Nicola Harrington-Buhay addressed today members of the Parliament on the work of the United Nations in Moldova and ways of fostering greater cooperation between the Parliament and the UN. This is the second speech by the UN in the Parliament, after the one in 2005 focusing on the role of Parliament in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

“The timing of my presentation could not be better”, said Nicola Harrington-Buhay, UN Resident Coordinator. “Not only are we celebrating the 64th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but on 1 January 2013, the United Nations will begin a new five-year programme of cooperation with the Republic of Moldova”.

The 2013-2017 United Nations-Republic of Moldova Partnership Framework “Towards Unity in Action” supports Moldova’s priorities and development challenges in three main areas: (1) democratic governance, justice, equality and human rights; (2) human development and social inclusion; and (3) environment, climate change and disaster risk management.

“Looking back at 2012, the Parliament can be proud of its many legislative successes in improving lives by honouring human rights and development commitments”, said Nicola Harrington-Buhay. “This year saw important steps to protect people living with HIV/AIDS, to empower children and adults with intellectual disabilities and better include Roma people in all spheres of life”.

Speaking about priorities for 2013, Ms. Harrington-Buhay noted the amendments to be made by the Parliament to the National Human Rights Action Plan, the Laws on Gender Equality and on Electoral Financing which will provide a golden opportunity to accelerate women’s representation in politics and the economy, and the abolishing of solitary confinement for child offenders. She also mentioned the role and leadership of the Parliament on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and better integration of refugees and migrants in the society as well as the policy expertise and practical experience the UN team can provide in support of Parliament’s legislative work.

At the end of the presentation, Nicola Harrington-Buhay announced the start of the national consultations on key concerns and aspirations for Moldovan people after 2015, the target year of the Millennium Development Goals which Moldova committed itself to achieving, together with the other 191 UN member-states in 2000 in New York.

The consultations aim to broadly engage poor and vulnerable people, public administration representatives, NGOs and grassroots organizations, private sector, trade unions and workers, and the academic community. To reach out to as many people as possible, the UN will promote the importance of people’s voice in this very important exercise through TV and radio spots, web platform , SMS campaign, social media and discussions. The evidence and perspectives generated through these consultations and discussions will be synthesised so as to feed into the work of the UN System Task Team on post-2015 development agenda established by UN Secretary General in advance of a major global meeting on the subject in September 2013.

The UN has been supporting the Parliament of Moldova since 2006 through a programme funded by the Governments of Denmark and Sweden that builds parliamentary capacity for consultations with constituents and civil society, for the drafting of legislation and budget reviews and for the oversight of policy implementation.

The United Nations established a presence in the Republic of Moldova soon after the country joined the United Nations in 1992. Over twenty resident and non-resident UN specialised agencies, funds and programmes work in Moldova, contributing to the achievement of the country’s development priorities.


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