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Moldova Country Partnership Strategy FY14-17: Stakeholders Consultations

Moldova Country Partnership Strategy FY14-17: Stakeholders Consultations

The World Bank is developing a strategy for working in partnership with Moldova over the next four years. This Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), outlines the level and type of support the Bank will provide to Moldova and will be closely aligned with the needs of the people and the government’s development agenda. As part of the process, the Bank is holding a series of consultations with key stakeholders to obtain a wide range of perspectives on Moldova’s development priorities, challenges and solutions. This input will ultimately inform the development of a new Country Partnership Strategy.

Consultations help capture the experience and knowledge of multiple audiences―Government, CSO, Youth, Women, academia and think tanks, media and the private sector ― to enable greater participation of partners and stakeholders in operations supported by the World Bank Group.

World Bank Group consults with development partners to ensure greater collaboration and coherence across institutions and strengthen the strategic selectivity of the program. Input from the consultations, together with feedback from an ongoing web survey, will feed into the strategic directions of the new World Bank's country partnership strategy. The strategy, which is under preparation, is expected to be presented to the World Bank Board of Directors in March 2013.


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