From February 5 to 9 the Republic of Moldova will take part in the international exhibition Fruitlogistica to be held in Berlin, Germany.
For the first time the Moldovan agricultural producers will have a national stand at this exhibition where they will promote the natural taste of the domestic fresh fruits under the slogan “Moldova - Taste makes the difference”.
The Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development project (ACED), funded by the United States Agency for International Development and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, in partnership with the Improving Trade and Productive Capacities of Moldovan Fresh Fruits Producers, implemented by UNDP, provided support for the Moldovan producers to take part in FruitLogistica 2013 in Berlin.
Fruitlogistica is the leading exhibition of fresh produce in the European Union at which about 2400 companies from all around the world will be present.
This event is expected to facilitate building new marketing partnerships and help increase the sales of farmers and traders outside the country. Moldova will be represented at the exhibition by the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, farmers’ and producers’ associations, farmers and groups of producers, international donors and technical assistance projects.